What is the policy on transparency for Chile’s sovereign wealth funds?

The sovereign wealth funds are property of all Chileans. They are a national asset that provides stability in social spending and public investment. Because of this, management of the assets must meet the most rigorous standards for transparency. To guarantee public access to information on the sovereign wealth funds, the Finance Ministry has created this website exclusively for that purpose. This page contains monthly, quarterly and annual reports on the status of the funds, recommendations of the Financial Committee and its annual report, related legislation, and all updated, pertinent information regarding the funds.
Our funds are regarded as one of the most transparent sovereign wealth funds in the world given the high transparency standards that result from our information disclosure policy. In particular, our funds rank at the highest level of transparency in the “Linaburg-Maduell” index since 2009. This index is prepared by the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. Likewise, the Chilean sovereign wealth funds are considered among the most transparent funds in the world by the Peterson Institute for International Economics. In its report entitled "Uneven Progress on Sovereign Wealth Fund Transparency and Accountability", published in October 2016, a new version of the "SWF Scoreboard" was included, which measures the transparency and accountability of the sovereign wealth funds analyzed. On that occasion, the ESSF and the PRF were ranked sixth and seventh out of a total of sixty sovereign wealth funds evaluated, with 91 and 88 points respectively.