Investor Relations Office

The Investor Relations Office (IRO) of the Ministry of Finance of Chile is responsible for maintaining communication with its investor base, providing Chilean macro-fiscal information on a timely basis, as well as information on other factors that are relevant in supporting analysis on the Chilean economy and attracting investors. The Investor Relations Offices has the following goals:

  • Informing foreign investors on government finances and capital market reforms, as well as serving as a point of reference for investor´s inquiries.
  • Improving access to information for investors, providing maximum transparency and comprehensiveness.
  • Maintaining and improving relations with investors and relevant opinion leaders.
  • Aiding credit rating agencies in their assessment of the Chilean economy and government issued debt instruments.
  • Providing to the investor community valuable information regarding the efforts made in the ESG market (Environmental, Social and Governance).


About us

The Investor Relations Office (IRO) of the Ministry of Finance of Chile is responsible for providing Chilean macro-fiscal information on a timely basis, as well as information on other factors that are relevant in supporting analysis on the Chilean economy.

Contact us

Job Title
Chief of Debt Office
Víctor González
Teatinos Nº120, 11th Floor
Santiago, Chile


Tamaño de letra

Otros accesos

Ministry of
  • Where we work
  • Teatinos 120, Santiago de Chile
  • Call us
  • +56 2 2828 2000

© 2020 Ministry of Finance

Versión en español